Live To Ride, Ride To Eat

The BMW Motorcycle Owners of Vermont is, ostensibly, a club for Vermonters who own and ride BMW motorcycles. In reality, however, it is a club for all riders of any make of motorcycle who, first and foremost, simply enjoy riding (and secondly, enjoy free food). Our members range from teenagers restoring 40-year-old airheads to retirees riding the latest 170hp sport touring bikes.

The club meets for breakfast on the first Sunday of each month: at Tozier’s in Bethel, Vermont during the summer and at various restaurants that will have us during the off-season. We discuss upcoming events, motorcycle news and our own recent adventures, before heading out for another Sunday ride.
Each June, we host the Puppy Dog Ride, a two-day ride between the Massachusetts and Canadian borders, almost entirely on dirt roads. Riders from all over the Northeast join us for the challenging roads, beautiful scenery and the overnight party at the half-way point.
Our annual Green Mountain Rally is held every September. A three day event of group rides, bonfires, music and food.

Throughout the riding season we sponsor several other rides, campouts and special events (many with free food). On and off-road organized rides, safety courses, mechanical how-to sessions… there’s something on the calendar every weekend during the summer.
All of this takes place against the gorgeous backdrop and on the fantastic roads of Vermont and our neighboring states and provinces. It’s often said that you can’t make a wrong turn in Vermont (if you’re on a GS, anyway), as every back road has something wonderful waiting to be discovered. As motorcycle riders, we all feel extremely lucky to be here. We hope you join us.
More Info
BMW MOA Charter #115
BMW RA Charter #23
Board of Directors
Jim Goss – President
Joy Ellis – Vice President
Mark Gibbens – Secretary
Mike Versage – Treasurer
David Dillon
Lynn Roberts
Stephen Day
Craig Miller
Dana Zangrillo